Simple Steps to Improve Real-Time Feedback & Recognition

Simple Steps to Improve Real-Time Feedback & Recognition

We want information and we want it immediately. Whether it's our phones buzzing with a Facebook notification letting us know it's a friend from middle school's birthday, or a pop-up on our computers telling us we have a text message, we live in an always-on world.

Why then is the workplace falling so far behind?

Employees want constant connection too. Not just to long lost Facebook friends, but to their managers and team members. The challenge for managers is to implement an environment where real-time feedback is not only plausible, but encouraged.

These simple steps will help managers take action to engage employees.

  1. Make feedback a two-way conversation

One of the biggest complaints about traditional annual performance reviews has to do with how information is delivered. Managers basically talk at team members for the duration of the meetings, never really getting into an actual conversation  ̶  so both sides come out feeling cheated with little to no actionable results. Managers can fix this by participating in real-time conversations that allow both sides to share feedback and recognition.

  1. Show employees some love

Even small gestures can have big impacts. Employees typically know when they've done good work, but it's still important to acknowledge employee accomplishments with awards, letters of appreciation, and certificates. Environments where employees can solicit feedback are especially effective as it's sometimes easy to forget to recognize team members when you are in the flow of business. But it shouldn't be just the squeaky wheels that get the oil. It's paramount that all employees are engaged. Whether they are upfront about it or not. After all, if good work continues to go unnoticed, team members may start to feel unappreciated and the quality of work could slip because there is no identifiable personal benefit for employees to put in that extra effort.

  1. Don't limit yourself or your team

Maybe you have a good cadence of communication with your team. You have the daily scheduled meeting, or you are constantly stopping by team members’ cubicles to let them know what a great job they're doing. You're clearly well on your way to becoming not only a great manager, but a great coach. But, there are other departments within your organization, and those team members and managers likely have valuable feedback to offer that will help your team grow. Establishing a system where cross-functional feedback is enabled allows team members to gain insight from other managers and peers, giving your employees a view you may not have seen yourself.

As the world around us changes, managers need to adapt too. TalentFirst's performance management solution is bringing workplace feedback and recognition into the 21st century with transformative software that connects employers with the needs of their team