Writing Feedback that Works


Mission to modernize performance management

Writing Feedback that Works

Posted by Thirty30 on Mar 31, 2020 10:11:32 AM

If you’ve ever sat down to write feedback for an employee, you know it can sometimes be hard to find the right words.

How can you write encouraging recognition in a way that doesn’t sound trite? How can you deliver constructive feedback that will actually inspire results and positive change? How can you avoid being boring, defensive, or uninspiring?

In this webinar, iCoachFirst Chief Customer Office Ted Power welcomes writer and recognition expert Darcy Jacobsen. Together they will talk about how to break “feedback writer’s block” and write messages that really work.

Join us and learn:

  • How the brain processes written language
  • When and how to construct a positive feedback loop
  • Two simple formulas for writing  great written feedback

Topics: Webinars