Positive or Negative? The + and - of Employee Motivation


Mission to modernize performance management

Positive or Negative? The + and - of Employee Motivation

Posted by Thirty30 on Mar 31, 2020 9:11:31 AM

positive_or_negative_03july_rs Screen ShotWe all want to motivate employees to reach their potential. But how do we know what works best—positive motivation or negative? Feedback or reinforcement?

Our newest guide, Positive or Negative? The + and - of Employee Motivation tackles these questions—offering actionable advice for how to get the most from your motivation strategies.

From extrinsic and intrinsic motivation to a complete breakdown on types of reinforcement and feedback, this guide translates the science into something you can use in your daily interactions with employees and mentees.

You’ll discover:

  • The difference between feedback and reinforcement
  • Which works better, positive or negative motivation
  • Seven tips for giving negative and positive feedback


Topics: ebook